07 May
COVID-19 Statement
Here at F P Hurley we are closely following guidance from the Government with regards to COVID-19 in order to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees and colleagues. As the threat of the COVID-19 virus spreading is an ever changing landscape, we are keeping up to date with the latest government and medical advice available.
Ensuring the welfare of our staff is extremely important to us, we have taken steps to support the Government’s social distancing strategy, with many of our office staff working from home, wherever possible. We have ensured they are safe whilst operating remotely and remain accessible by virtual meetings, phone and email. Our offices continue to operate but with only a skeleton staff that conforms to social distancing guidelines.
We have also had to reduce the number of staff, by way of furloughing, for a temporary period of time. This was due to the reduction in the number of sites available to us and the reduced numbers of operatives allowed on each site. Also, due to the inability of some of our staff to perform their work from their homes. We did this in order to protect jobs and safeguard the long-term future of the Company during the current period of restricted movement. The situation is being reviewed regularly.
Construction sites are continuing to operate In line with current Government guidance on COVID-19. In all cases, we have confirmed the suitability of site management protocols and welfare facilities and we continue to keep these under constant review to ensure that social distancing and hygiene standards are acceptable during this critical time. Many of the sites are part of the Health Service estate and are, therefore, considered essential to support the NHS, providing more facilities for their use at this critical time. Others are considered not as essential but we are maintaining progress, albeit at a reduced level due to the observance of the Government’s guidance.
For us, it is almost business as usual and our teams are doing all they can to support each other and our clients during this unprecedented time. These are difficult times for us all and we thank you for your ongoing support to ensure we continue through to the end of the crisis. For those colleagues who continue to attend site providing services to our clients, or those who attend site to assess the facilities, you deserve the recognition of the entire company and the industry as a whole.
Thank you
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